Conciliar Post

Weekly Reads {September 26}

Happy weekend, dear readers!

This week, whether we are Catholic or not, let us keep Pope Francis in our prayers as he travels through America. All Christians, no matter what denomination, can learn from his teachings on the environment, the dignity of life, concern for the poor, and living the Gospel in everyday life.

Here is a round-up of different religion, theology, and current events articles from our own authors and across the internet.

The following articles do not necessarily reflect the views or mission of Conciliar Post. These articles have been selected based on their prevalence across popular blogs and social media and their relevance to current events. We invite you to engage in friendly and positive discussion about these articles.

If you read a thought-provoking or well-written article that did not make this list, please share the link with us in the comments section

Conciliar Post

Laura Norris, “On Syria and the Virtues of Hope and Charity

Kenneth O’Shaughnessy, “She and the Man

Deion Kathawa, “Laudato Si’ and My Baby Sister

Charles Heyworth, “Charismatic in an Anglican World

Matthew Bryan, “Myths of the Apocrypha – Part I

From Our Authors

Charles Heyworth, Charles Heyworth, Truth and Personhood

John Ehrett, Humane Pursuits, “In Praise of Old Workspaces

Jody Byrkett, Humane Pursuits, “Old-Fashioned Ideals Amidst Newfangled Technology

Across the Internet

Matthew Mellema, Mere Orthodoxy, Detective Fiction and the Fun of Orthodoxy

Erin Stoyell-Mullholland, Ethika Politika, “Struggles with Infertility Among Catholics

Russell E. Saltzmann, First Things, Trashing Luther

Vincent J. Miller, America Magazine, “The Politics of Mercy Comes to Congress

Rowan Williams, Commonweal Magazine, “Embracing Our Limits: The Lessons of Laudato Si’

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