Remember: Lent Week Two
Do you recall
Our wedding day?
Face to face,
Clasping hands tightly,
Your veil removed—
You were mine,
I AM yours
Why are you
At this corner,
Selling your worth,
Eyes looking down?
Why are you
Naked and bloody,
Abandoned and forlorn?
You are mine
Don’t you remember
That I AM
Your Maker-Husband
Who loves you?
O! Let me
Take your face
In both hands
Eyes meeting mine
Call to mind
Only my love,
Though you’ve run
Far from me—
Do not flinch
Or turn away;
Willingly I forgive,
I AM yours
Belovéd, called one,
My beautiful bride,
Leave your sin,
Be made clean
In my blood;
Remember that you
Are forever mine—
I AM yours.