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07 Oct 2024

Life After Life After Death

In what at least one person has referred to as, quote, “the best movie scene I’ve ever watched,” in this part of Avengers: Endgame, we see the Avengers assembling for their final battle. On its own, that would be cool enough. But this scene is especially poignant because many of those gathering having just been resurrected from the dead.  Five years before this moment in the MCU, half of the universe was snapped from existence.

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30 Sep 2024

The (Actual) Good Place

In this scene from The Good Place, the gang arrives at the Good Place and finds that it’s even better than they imagined it would be. Flying puppies, the energy you had when you were twelve, and the joy of meeting people you’ve always wanted to meet—I mean, who doesn’t want to end up in a place like that? But what’s the Good Place actually like?  Is it like this? Or is it different somehow?

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23 Sep 2024

The Medium Place

At one point in The Good Place, Eleanor and the gang find themselves in the Medium Place. Now if we think of the Bad Place as more-or-less hell and the Good Place as more-or-less heaven, then the Medium Place is whatever lies in between. It’s neither good nor bad—it just kind of is, it just exists.  And while in The Good Place the Medium Place is created for one, precisely down-the-middle person who deserved neither

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16 Sep 2024

Does Love Win?

When I was in high school and trying to figure out the whole following Jesus thing, I encountered the guy in this video. He was a young, up-and-coming pastor at a church a couple hours north of us, a guy who asked the kind of questions that I was asking and gave answers that I was able to understand. He helped a lot of my friends think about what it meant to follow Jesus. And

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05 Aug 2024

He’s Not a Tame Lion

A theme throughout C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series is the idea that Aslan (the analog for Jesus in the series) is “not a tame lion.” This phrase generally conveys that Aslan (and by extension God) is not what we might expect or even want. Mr. Beaver, when asked if Aslan is safe replies, “Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.” Lewis here captures what is sometimes called the terror

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29 Jul 2024

A Letter to My Granddaughter

Dear Granddaughter, Your life is ahead of you. Flashes of insight will come, but real understanding takes time. My hope is that you seriously consider the path contained in this letter. The greatest conquest of your life is to defeat the foe within–your ego–and to obtain union with God. It wasn’t until I was eighty that my “aha moment” happened. It was in the reading of Sermon Ninety-Five by fourteenth century Dominican friar named Meister

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17 Jun 2024

Announcing Faith Across Traditions

Announcing Faith Across Traditions: Essays from Ten Years of Dialogue at Conciliar Post Since 2014, Conciliar Post has served as an intentional online community committed to dialogue across Christian traditions. Aiming to provide theological conversations, reflections on Christianity, and commentary on current events from a Christian perspective, Conciliar Post has sought to love God and people through the practice of humble and faithful dialogue. In this spirit of dialogue, we are tremendously excited to announce

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28 Apr 2024


The rolling emptiness of a Sunday afternoon, The deafening silence of a vacant room, The brutal roar of a mind gone mad, After years of loneliness leave a soul unclad. Reaching a loved one in search of a friend, An unforeseen blow reveals this is the end. A vacuous pang sucking life from my eyes, But after all else this should have been no surprise. Disjointed and pondering, unsteady and shamed, Bloodcurdling abuse tearing a

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