An Ex-Calvinist’s Tiptoe Through TULIP – Perseverance of the Saints
The final tenet of the Calvinist TULIP doctrinal statement is the “Perseverance of the Saints.” This teaching contends that after having undergone a genuine conversion experience, a Christian, being regenerated by the Holy Spirit, cannot turn from the faith and forego that seal of salvific assurance, having joined the elect. Christ stated that no one can be snatched out of the hand of God [John 10:28-29]. Since it requires irresistible grace and unconditional election for

An Ex-Calvinist’s Tiptoe Through TULIP – Irresistible Grace
In my favorite scene of the Jim Carrey flick Bruce Almighty––after Bruce has been given Divine powers only to abuse them, then hit rock bottom and seek reconciliation with his girlfriend––Bruce asks God [played by Morgan Freeman]: “How do you make someone love you without affecting their free will?” To which Morgan Freeman responds, “Welcome to my world, son. You find an answer to that, you let me know.” For the Reformed Calvinist, this problem