Racism and Sin
“It is the divinely imposed task of the prophet to break down the wall of our indifference by voicing the suffering and anguish of the poor, the widow, the orphan, and the oppressed of our society.” -Abraham Heschel A wound, when it is not properly treated, will fester to the point that it will suppurate. This is not only true of our physical wounds but, also, our interior wounds. Imagine a couple who begin a

Through the Cracks
Violence cracks our world, leaves lives black and blue emptier than when day broke, leaves lives numb and days grey Shadows crawl stealthily, silently blotting the beauty that our eyes can only see by the sun’s bright rays Darkness is like a shroud, clothing our dying senses too poisoned to see value in life or how gaping death is Hope seems like a dream in the inky night, intangible, unreal, a delusive

Christmas Is About Ferguson
“Ferguson” is about systemic historical injustice that goes beyond a single case. It is about the mass incarceration of black and brown bodies, in which the majority of drug users and dealers are white, and yet three fourths of those imprisoned for drug offenses are black and brown. It is about stop-and-frisk policies by the police that target poor black communities, tearing families apart rather than rooting out crime. It is about young black males being 21 times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts.