The Little Church Where God Spoke
I grew up in a small, quiet, unnoticed town in Michigan. Tucked in a corner of that town, hidden in the hills and woods, is a small, quiet, unnoticed church. You probably wouldn’t find it unless you were looking for it or happened to live on the humble, residential road that hosts it. On a crowded Sunday, it might boast about fifty attendees. Compared with the mega-churches, the televised multimedia worship experiences, and the intrepid

Try Again
I can’t do it. I tried and I just can’t. I jotted down some notes two weeks ago for a blog post about Frodo and Bilbo, planning to expand on it for the Conciliar. My goal is two posts a month, but it’s hard to come up with the topics that I think will work in the more serious style of a group blog. But that one . . . I thought I could do

For the Sake of Integrity
I recently had the privilege of serving as a delegate to the Michigan Republican State Convention, an annual event where state delegates elect members of the state party leadership and/or nominate candidates for the November elections. Delegates to the State Convention are chosen by the County Conventions to represent each respective county at the State-level. The 2014 Convention was convened to choose nominees for positions on the State Board of Education, University of Michigan Board