The Tomb as Tabernacle
Yesterday was Ascension Day, which means the Church’s fifty-day Easter celebration is nearing its end. Before we leave it behind for this liturgical year completely, let’s reflect on it one last time. If there is indeed a God, the next logical question is whether that God is knowable to us. And if he is knowable, does he care about us? The Christian tradition provides concrete answers to these questions. He is knowable, “he has spoken

Unless I Die
Unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But, if it dies, it will bear much fruit. —Jesus A darkening sky greets the great eye blinking open its shutter to morn— o’erhead, coarse comes a rook’s cry, from here dreams appear bleak and forlorn Here, in my cramped, close cell I hear the neighbour dog howl in lament— the dirt and the dark I fear, they