Personal Prayers
Virgin Soul (Isaiah 43: 1-8)
Like a virgin bride that waits for her bridegroom,
my virgin soul waits for You, oh, Lord!
My virgin soul waits to be impregnated with Your Word.
Speak It in the recesses of my heart, my being,
my virgin soul. My beloved speaks in the dark night,
early morning, midday, late noon, early evening.
He whispers in my ear as I embrace him in my arms:
I have created you. I have formed you. I know you
by name, you are mine. Though you walk
through the blazing fire, through the thundering clouds
that scream with lightning, though the mountains shake
and hills tremble under you, though the tide might overwhelm,
and the flood feel like it is drowning you, you
it will not harm; for I Am with you.
I will always protect you; for you are My offspring,
My child, My beloved son.
I will exchange Ethiopia for you.
Long have I waited for your coming.
Sacred Heart
Beloved, You made it known to St. Margaret Mary
That Your heart that is on fire which is wrapped
With crown of thorns and cross that stands over
Your heart that is on fire. Truly, the thorns pierce
Your heart for we see the blood that drips. All this
Signifies the consequences of our sins. Oh, Lord,
Forgive Your people who do not know what they are doing.
Forgive us for the pain that we are causing. The indifference
That we show to the poor and the broken. The resentment
And anger and wound that we are hiding by being prideful.
Take our stony heart and put it in the furnace of Your heart.
So that we may have a heart of flesh, a tender heart.
You are a God of compassion and You desire for us to be
God Remembers
What if we are a memory,
in God’s mind?
I had this thought
when I was sitting and doing homework.
I remembered something
I did in the past. It got me thinking:
Could God have everything
in my life as a memory, and his remembering
is making present my existence?
I happened
but I am in the present moment
by God pulling me from the past to
here and now.