Conciliar Post News

Traveling This Road Together (A Thank You)

Yesterday marked one year since the launch of Conciliar Post. A number of changes have been made to the site since last June, among them, a site redesign in December, as well as the additions of a Christian Traditions page and free audiobooks of the Writings of the Church Fathers. The up-and-coming year is sure to be as exciting as the last, with new additions, greater functionality, and exciting resources. But beyond expanding the website’s functionality, increasing our content, and offering more resources, our greatest desire is to cultivate a community where Christians of varying traditions can learn from and help one another journey towards Christ.

Traveling this road together, we are sure to come across disagreements and difficulties. But if we, bent as we are, walk up to the treasury and offer the two mites of love and humility, then we will edify our brothers and sisters more than any pride-filled, theologically airtight argument ever could. Theologically correct assertions do not necessarily look like the game  “King of the Hill,” but rather, like the crucified Christ.

For this, my brothers and sisters, please forgive me any offense I have made against you this past year. I cannot thank you enough for dragging me along with you towards salvation.

Asking for your prayers,


Benjamin Cabe

Benjamin Cabe

Benjamin Cabe is an Eastern Orthodox Christian who aspires to learn from, and write within the framework of, the teachings of the Church Fathers.

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