Theology & Spirituality

{February 20} Weekly Reads

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we,worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness. may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


—The Lenten Collect The Book of Common Prayer (1928)

It is with heavy hearts that we say farewell to Justice Antonin Scalia this week. We have selected a few pieces to remember him and his legacy (as well as to be reminded that his death is not about politics) at the end of this post.


The selected articles do not necessarily reflect the views of Conciliar Post. Please read and engage in the comments sections below if you feel so inclined. And as always, let us know if we missed anything thought-provoking, inspiring, or just plain good from the last week in the comment section.


Conciliar Post:

One Body by Nicholai Stuckwisch

God in the Gallery: A Review by Chris Casberg

Judge Not: The Balance of Mercy and Intolerance by Joseph Green

Mercy, Justice Scalia, and the Price of Self-Government by John Ehrett

The Sermon on the Mount and Christian Ethics by Jacob Prahlow


From Our Authors:

Affective Storytelling: Lectures Are Soon Forgotten by John Ehrett at Patheos

To All My Single Friends: Why Wait? by Charles Hayworth at Listen, Love, Lead

Jesus: The Way of Just Another Path? by Drew McIntyre at Plowshares into Swords


Across the Web:

Five Signs You Have a Transactional Faith by Heather Walker Peterson at Humane Pursuits

“Faith in its simplicity is a dependence on the God who is with me. Some basic intentionality with a lot of internal, “I need you. I really need you. Thank you.”  Receiving those three words, God with us, begins to dismantle our relationship based on transaction rather than grace.”

Ambushed by Beauty and Chicken Nuggets by Stephen Williams at Humane Pursuits

This is not what I thought I’d be doing at twenty-seven…

The thought hits me again, but with a far different force than before. It is humbling to work here, but not in the way that implies shame. Who am I to so readily dismiss a job where I witness the entire spectrum of human emotion during the course of a single shift? Who am I to think ill of this chance to observe – over and over again – the miracle of childhood and the poignancy of prayer? Who am I to think that the transcendent things that happen every night in a southern Virginia fast food joint are in any way of lesser importance than those that happen elsewhere? Who am I? I am just a fellow traveler, seeking a Homeland along with each of the souls I met tonight. And that is enough.


Remembered: Justice Scalia

Justice Scalia’s Death Isn’t a Time for Political Opportunism by Celina Durgin at The National Review

The Scalia I Knew Will be Greatly Missed by Cass Sunstein

Justice Scalia’s Great Heart by Jeffrey Tucker

—Johanna Byrkett, Senior Editor

Conciliar Post Weekly Reads

Conciliar Post Weekly Reads

Weekly reads is a gathering together of articles that hit the internet in the past week—from Conciliar Post authors and from other authors around the world. The Conciliar Post authors and editors work together to make this a weekly resource on Conciliar Post.

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The Sermon on the Mount and Christian Ethics

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